Diamond Standard Fund
USD 20,000,000
Projected Fundraise

About the Issuer

Diamond Standard Fund LLC ("Fund") is co-sponsored by DSAM LLC (Diamond Standard) and Horizon Diamond Advisers, LLC (Horizon Kinetics). The Fund offers a unique opportunity to invest in the world’s only regulator-licensed diamond commodity, transforming a valuable $1.2 trillion natural resource into a standardized and investable asset class. As an unlisted, closed-end, at-the-market Fund, the Fund provides periodic regular subscriptions, holding Diamond Standard Commodities in a secure, audited investment vehicle. For the Fund, NAV is striked monthly, there is independent custody vaulting and third-party administration, with the DIAMINDX spot commodity index listed on Bloomberg. Suitable for sophisticated investors seeking diversification, the Fund ensures transparency, security, and expert management, positioning diamonds as a hard asset with low volatility and an inflation-sensitive hedge against economic uncertainties. A breakthrough hard asset that can be transacted as a blockchain token, the diamond commodity provides diversification, potential inflation protection, and a new store of wealth for sophisticated investors, while bringing transparency and efficiency to the diamond supply chain.

Deal Highlights

The Diamond Standard Fund was created to invest and hold its assets in the physical Diamond Standard Commodities.

Units reflect the value of commodities held by the Fund, less expenses and other liabilities.

Demand and Supply Imbalance

- Diamond jewelry demand forecasted to grow globally, especially in Asia

- Diamond supply forecasted to diminish due to mine depletion and lack of discoveries

Market Impact from Financialization

- Investors hold 15-30% of precious metals, but only 2% of diamonds, due to prior lack of fungibility and liquidity

- Investment offerings may drive demand, impacting prices

As an unlisted, closed-end, at-the-market fund, we provide periodic regular subscriptions, holding Diamond Standard Commodities in a secure, audited investment vehicle.

Our investors benefit from monthly NAV, independent custody vaulting, and third-party administration, with the DIAMINDX spot commodity index listed on Bloomberg.


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